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Who chooses the medical care for my workers’ compensation case?

Employers are supposed to post a list of approved medical providers (a “panel”) at your workplace so that you consult with one of these providers in the event you are injured at work. The employer is supposed to have the employee sign a notice form acknowledging that the employee knows about the panel providers.

Many employers fail to provide this list and also fail to provide the employee with the notice form to sign. Often the workers’ compensation carrier will send the notice form to the injured worker after the injury has been reported and will still insist that you treat with a member of their approved panel or face the possibility that the carrier will refuse to pay medical bills from an unapproved medical provider.

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This restriction is in place for the first 90 days after your injury. After 90 days, you may seek treatment with whatever provider you choose. Please remember, your health is more important than anything, and if you have questions, please call us so we can help protect your well-being.

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