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Do you charge a fee for an initial meeting?

In matters involving workers’ compensation or other injuries, we do not charge for an initial consultation. In most other situations, we charge a reasonable fee for the initial consultation. In all matters, one of our attorneys will first speak with you by telephone to ensure that a consultation will provide value to you and have a reasonable chance of leading to ongoing representation by our firm.

We always discuss the fee for the initial consultation prior to confirming it, and we strive to structure our fees for ongoing representation so that our clients can afford our services. Realistically, this means that we occasionally are not able to take on cases where the cost of representation would be likely to exceed the amount that could ultimately be recovered on behalf of the client.

Areas of Law We Practice

At Kunkle and Sennett, we take on cases that are related to the following areas of law:

Contact Our West Chester Law Firm

We are leanly staffed and use the latest technology to optimize our efficiency. Our goal is not to take a high volume of cases, but rather those that are most deserving of our attention and where we can do the most good. We decline more cases than we take on, and we are completely transparent about the fees and costs that will be involved in any matter we accept.

For more information, we invite you to contact Kunkle and Sennett, attorneys in West Chester, PA, at (610) 692-8911. 

If you have difficulty using our website, please email us or call us at (610) 692-8911
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Rather than trying to find an answer to your legal problem scrolling through web pages on the internet, the fastest way to a solution is to send us an email or give us a call.

While no attorney - client relationship is established by these communications, we keep all your information confidential and will not share your information without your permission.