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I would recommend Steve to anyone seeking help with their employment issues

My experience working with Steve Kunkle was a very positive one at a very stressful period in my career. He was referred to me through a friend of a friend who knew of his excellent reputation for obtaining results for executives such as myself. He represented me in transitioning through the acquisition of my employer by a major regional financial institution, and ultimately ended up obtaining a very favorable result when it became clear that the new employer was not a good fit for my position as a senior executive there.
I'm not a litigious person, but found myself in a situation that I couldn't understand, and knew I needed professional help working through it.

I felt comfortable working with him almost immediately. We didn't spend a lot of time (and my money) talking about things that weren't relevant to my situation. It was very clear that he knew the laws and my rights.

While being supportive the whole time we worked together, he also wasn't going to back down on issues that he knew were being mishandled. He was able to go toe-to-toe with my employer and its legal counsel, a partner with a much larger regional firm, in representing me with regard to several very difficult issues. He knew what questions I needed to be asking as the situation progressed. By having these answers in writing, it was clear that my concerns were well founded. While it appeared that we might have to go to court, once that became obvious to my employer, they quickly recognized the issues and agreed with his position.

I would recommend Steve to anyone seeking help with their employment issues and to any employer who wants to be sure they are following the letter of the law. With the complicated laws and regulations we all must follow today, it makes sense to have a knowledgeable, friendly face in a difficult situation.

- Lynn M.

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Rather than trying to find an answer to your legal problem scrolling through web pages on the internet, the fastest way to a solution is to send us an email or give us a call.

While no attorney - client relationship is established by these communications, we keep all your information confidential and will not share your information without your permission.